

Rice Outlook: Timor-Leste production to reach a record of 80.000 tonnes in 2020

Rice Outlook: Timor-Leste production to reach a record of 80.000 tonnes in 2020

Atabae rice field (image/António Gonçalves)

DILI, 09 july 2020 (TATOLI)- Timor-Leste rice production to surge a record of 78.000 tonnes equal to 40.200 tonnes of mild rice from the first crop-season.

According to Director-general from Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery (MAP), Maria Odete do Ceu Guterres, the amount of production will not meet the national consuming target.

“It is very adequate for the national consuming, we need 11.000 tonnes for one month because the population is 1.3 million, however we only produced 80.000 tonnes of rice for one year, imply we need additional of 50.000 tonnes of rice import from abroad to meet the national consuming. Therefore, we should make a political reform during the situation of COVID-19 to increase more of rice production,” she said

She added to growth a high record it is necessary to expand the main rice growing areas, the farmers must be very active in using the infrastructure such as irrigation and other staffs to increase agriculture production within the country.

Ms. Maria said farmers are now starting the first season crop in the three districts such as, Maliana, Manufahi and Covalima also the second season-sown crop for this year.

In spite the President from Logistic Center (CLN) has signed record deal with Vietnam to import 30.000 tonnes of rice to Timor-Leste.

Again, private sectors have imported the rice from abroad to support the state stockpiles.

Timor Food, Lda company early imported 2.700 tonnes of rice from abroad lending in Dili port.

Vice President of Timor-Leste Port Authority (APORTIL), José Manuel Marques, informed during the State of Emergency they have received total of 4.150 tonnes of rice imported by the private sectors from abroad.

Journalist: Natalino Costa

Editor: Julia Chatarina/Nicholas Kettle

Translation: Nelia Borges


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