

Health Authority records 1100 cases of dengue 10 fatalities

Health Authority records 1100 cases of dengue 10 fatalities

Minister of Health Odete Viegas (Image Tatoli/Egas Cristovão)

DILI, 22 july 2020 (TATOLI)- Dili Health Authority have recorded ten deaths from Dengue Fever out of a documented 1100 cases since the beginning of the current outbreak. This outbreak began in January while the government has been concentrating on combating COVID-19, dengue cases have continued to rise.

“Between January and mid-July, we reported more than 1,000 cases of Dengue. This disease also caused ten deaths. Dengue and other non-communicable diseases have not been a focus due to COVID-19 prevention, during the state of emergency.” The Minister of Health Odete Viegas said.

The Head of the Environmental Health Department, José Moniz, reviled earlier that from the latest report, that high numbers of patients with Dengue are from Dili, Ermera and Liquiça districts.

“We had informed the Ministry of Health about the issue of dengue which continues to increase, and we also provide support to the districts that contain a higher risk of dengue disease,” he said.

Ms Viegas, on June 23 had forwarded information, stating that the Ministry of Health had a shortage of Larvicides stock which affected the fight against Dengue.

However, she said; currently, teams of health workers are continuing efforts of fumigating places affected by Dengue and conducting public awareness campaigns, encouraging residents to clean up around their homes to prevent mosquitos from breeding.

“we will not stay quiet, and we will put in great efforts to fight against dengue infection,” Ms Belo said.

According to Ms Belo dengue is not transmitted from one person to another unlike COVID-19, it is a disease transmitted by mosquitoes. The fight against Dengue needs contributions from all members of a community.

Journalist: Felicidade Ximenes

Editor: Agapito dos Santos/Nick Kettle

Translation: Nelia Borges Rosario



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