

Australia Government launches $5 million initiative trough “TOMAK” program

Australia Government launches $5 million initiative trough “TOMAK” program

MAP extension workers and Farmers are testing a rice mower in Hataz, Bobonaro (Image/Australia in Timor-Leste)

DÍLI, July 28, 2020 (TATOLI) –The Australian Government continues its annual support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF), ‘TOMAK – Farming for Prosperity’ program.

“Australia is committed to working with MAF and supporting TL in the area of agriculture, the total budget we provide every year is AU$5 million,” Australia’s Ambassador Peter Roberts stated in a speech at the MAF hall Comoro.

According to the ambassador, the TOMAK program carried out by Australia focuses on rural development in Timor-Leste, focusing on the involvement of the whole community.

This program has been working in 66 villages within three districts in Timor-Leste including Baucau, Bobonaro and Viqueue. The main focus of this program is to improve food security and household nutrition and help rural families participate in the agriculture market to make a profit.

TOMAK began on Jun 2016 with the set duration of five years, with possibilities for the program to extend until 2026.

TOMAK is the Australian Development key for rural program in Timor-Leste and create based on the rural community involvement programming.  And it is also supporting farmers and extension workers to test a variety of labor-saving equipment including rice mowers, threshers, shellers and tillers in Timor-Leste.

According to the State Budget Report, every year, MAF allocates $944,071 each towards the three districts Baucau, Bobonaro and Viqueue districts to develop agriculture for the prosperity.

Ambassador Roberts said MAF is coordinating partnerships to support TL in the Agriculture sector; thus, Australia is willing to cooperate.

“We are willing to work with MAF to continue supporting the agriculture sector because it is important for Timor-Leste’s future development as many people lives depend on agriculture,” he said.

Over the coming months, the Australian Government will invest additional funding in agricultural equipment to help farmers respond to food security challenges resulting from late rains, pests and disease.


Journalist: Natalino Costa

Editor: Julia Chatarina/Nick Kettle

Translation: Nelia Borges Rosario


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