

Timor-Leste registers New active case of COVID-19 after End of three months of State Emergency

Timor-Leste registers New active case of COVID-19 after  End of three months of State Emergency

Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak has put forward five members of the opposition FRETILIN Party to fill vacant ministerial roles. (Image/Egas Cristovão)

DILI,04 August 2020 (TATOLI)-Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, has requested to the President of the Republic that a State of Emergency be implemented, as earlier on today Timor-Leste registered a new case of COVID-19.

‘Yesterday, the council of ministers proposed that the President declare a State of Emergency, earlier on today the Ministry of Health informed that there was one case of COVID-19.” said the Prime Minister as he exited a meeting at the ministry of finance.

With this, the Government Leaders have asked the citizens to continue being vigilant and continue being sanitary in order to combat the global pandemic.

“We have to prepare ourselves for both a good scenario and a bad scenario; however, the most important thing is to continue with staying safe and sanitary.” Said the PM

With this new case, Tatoli has asked to interview the Minister of Health and the Director-general, but have been told to wait for official information from the Ministry of Health.

The positive case of COVID-19 has been confirmed as a foreign citizen from Indonesia.

The first reported case of COVID-19 in Timor-Leste was on the 21st of March 2020, and the last case was the 24th of April, the total number of cases of COVID19 which have been recovered is 24.

The confirmed case, which has been registered in Timor-Leste, and shows that traveller’s from nation’s profoundly affected by COVID-19 can bring the virus into Timor-Leste by crossing the land border or coming in at the airport.

Journalist: Florêncio Miranda Ximenes

Editor: Julia Chatarina/Nick Kettle

Translation: Nelia Borges


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