DILI, 13 august 2020 (TATOLI)- Government’s Ministry of Education has set the date for the National Exam and the trimestral exam for the graduate students in November this year.
Based on the National Calendar, the usual assessment for the National exam is set to October, and this time the exam will be realized on November due to the global Pandemic which has affected the county learning process.
Ministry of Education has issued advice that “students, schools and colleges should continue to prepare for the exams and assessments in November.
“Probably some of the schools have already received it, but some of them are not yet, but we already have it issued,” the Minister of Education Armindo Maia Soares told the journalist during the press released at MEJD Vila Verde Dili.
at the same time He said some students in municipalities are not yet access to the school learning process.
“I have just returned from Maliana and Viqueue and some students said the school learning process is very passive but we will see this issue together,” Minister Maia said.
In Spite in Timor-Leste 1.902 High School and Primary school have reopened since June. The reopening comes with complying with a list of safety measure requirements released by the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health.
All the schools in Timor-Leste were set to restart their activities before July 2020.
Journalist: Tomé Amado
Editor : Agapito dos Santos/Nick Kettle
Translation: Nelia Borges