

Timor-Leste registered 47.1% of the population categorised as malnourished

Timor-Leste registered 47.1% of the population categorised as malnourished

DILI, 27 November 2020 (TATOLI)—There are 47.1% of the Timorese population living with malnourishment problems, in data released by the Ministry of Health.

Minister of Health, Odete Maria Freitas Belo said the recorded data of malnutrition for 2020 indicates 47.1% of 1.2 million population in Timor-Leste have suffered malnutrition.

Based on the survey data from 2020, Timor-Leste is yet to be released from the malnutrition categorisation because the country has yet to reach the criteria given by the World Health Organization (WHO) which is around the 13-15 percent.

The data shows the proportion the effected population decreased from 58.1% to 50.2%, which was from (2010 -2013) and in 2020 it dropped to 47.1%.

Ms Belo said the survey results would help the Government plan programs to reduce the number of malnutrition inside the country.

The combined work from the health centres, hospitals and national organisations hold the role to promote nutritional food programs for children and pregnant mothers to consume foods of high nutritional value.

Journalist: Felicidade Ximenes

Editor: Agapito dos Santos/Nick kettle


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