

The MoH is awaiting the decision from the CM over the retrieval of Armindo Borges body

The MoH is awaiting the decision from the CM over the retrieval of Armindo Borges body

Timor-Leste Minister of Health, Odete Maria Freitas Belo (Image Tatoli/Egas Cristovao)

DILI, 14 abríl 2021 (TATOLI)— The Minister of Health, Odete Maria Freitas Belo, reveal the decision over a man who was suspect to died from covid-19, will be waiting for the decision from the Council of Minister (CM).

“The Decision will be coming from the Council of Ministers,“ Odete Maria Freitas Belo said at the Vera Cruz Isolation Center.

The arrival of the Minister of Health in isolation at 8:00 am intending to visit covid-19 patients

“I am visiting the covid-19 patients,” Ms. Belo said.

While leaving Vera Cruz, Belo told The Charismatic Leader, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao who was sitting and waiting at the Vera Cruz gate, the purpose of her visit.

Although She did not mention in-depth the ministerial meeting schedule, She said the final decision on this situation would come from the Governmening Council of Minister meeting.


Journalist: Natalino Costa

Editor: Julia Chatarina



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