DILI, pril 19, 2021 (TATOLI) –Timor-Leste recorded 84 more cases of the new coronavirus in the last 24 hours – 73 in Dili and 11 in the other municipalities – and 32 recoveries. The country currently has 725 active infections.
Regarding the active cases in the municipalities, Bobonaro registered three infections, as well as Baucau, Covalima two, as well as Viqueque and Lautém one.
The Coordinator of the Task Force for the Prevention and Mitigation of the Covid-19 Crisis (CIGC), Rui Araújo, said that, among the cases recorded today, 45 (the equivalent of 53, 5%) were detected following requests for travel authorization.
Of all infections reported today, 45 are men and 39 are women. Eight patients have symptoms and the rest are asymptomatic.
Araújo also referred that, since yesterday, the National Health Laboratory (LNS) has carried out 1,089 laboratory tests, 34 of which following sentinel surveillance, 78 on contact screening, 378 on random screening, 545 requests to leave the Municipality of Dili and 54 for international travel.
With regard to the five infected in the area of internal medicine, four are considered moderate cases and one is severe.
Regarding the cases detected by municipality, since the outbreak of local transmission Dili has 1,235, Baucau 43, Ermera 40, Covalima 52, Viqueque 13, Liquiçá nine, Ainaro 15, Lautém four, Bobonaro 14, Manatuto five, Manufahi 13 , Aileu four and the Special Administrative Region of Oé-Cusse and Ambeno (RAEOA) five.
Journalist: Felicidade Ximenes
Editor:Maria Auxiliadora