DILI, 29 april 2021 (TATOLI) – Secretary State of Corporative (SEKoops), Elizário Ferreira held a meeting with The Ambassador of Brazil to Timor-Leste, Mauricio Medeiros De Assis to discuss the cooperation in the cooperative areas.
“Brazil will support Timor-Leste in four areas including multi-sectorial, to secure the market and the integrated relationships in the cooperative development. This will be the fundamental subject for further discussion on technical preparation since they have been agreed with the programs introduced by the SEKoops,” The Secretary of State for Corporative (SEKoops), Elisário Ferreira, said in His office, Akait, Dili, this Thursday.
The programs presented by the SEKoop to the Ambassador including, Credit Cooperative for increasing the capacity of the cooperative leaders and the operational standard including making the management attend the cooperative members.
Other is the agriculture cooperative, to teach the population to produce quality and sustainable products.
Likewise, the Commercial cooperative will identify the product in the market, to make the farmer’s product to be more effective in the markets.
The final one is the State Cooperative, The Cooperative in Brazil is more developed than the State Cooperative.
“Thus, the commercial cooperative has become a center to make commercialization for the products of farmers,” he said.
The Brazil Ambassador is a willingness to support SEKoops to develop four cooperative areas for further technical discussion before the program implementation.
At the same time, the Brazil Ambassador said Brazil commits to support SEKoops to develop cooperatives areas in Timor-Leste.
“As you know Brazil is many developers in the cooperative areas such as agriculture cooperative and other areas, thus we are willing to support the development of Kooperative areas in Timor-Leste,” he said
Journalist: Natalino Costa
Editor: Julia Catharina