

MAF will recruit 180 forest Rangers to protect 44 forest areas in Timor – Leste

MAF will recruit 180 forest Rangers to protect 44 forest areas in Timor – Leste

Vice Minster of MAF, Abilio Xavier de Araujo,(Photo Tatoli/Francisco Sony)

DILI, 24 june 2022 (TATOLI) – The Vice Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF), Abilio Xavier de Araujo, informed that the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries through the National Directorate of forest conservation will recruit 180 Forest Rangers to protect 44 protected areas in across the Timor – Leste.

“We have 44 protected areas across the Timor – Leste, but of the 44 protected areas, many people are still cutting trees and hunting, therefore this year, MAF through the Directorate of Forestry and National Conservation will recruit 180 Forest Rangers to protect these areas,” Vise Minister of MAF Araujo told TATOLI at Arbiru Hotel Bebonuk, Dili.

He explained that the 180 forest Rangers who will be recruited this year will work together with the local authority leaders such as the Head of the Village and other traditional leaders to jointly protect nature to produce more oxygen for the human being.

“Many of the trees have been cut down and the wild animals were killed therefore we hope the new 180 forest rangers will work together with local communities and leaders to protect our nature and resources,” he said.

So far, socialization on nature conservation continues to be implemented by the Directorate of National Forestry Conservation and International Conservation to make people aware of cutting the trees and hunting the animals illegally.

“Although there is no effective socialization, MAF continues to make the efforts to raise the awareness of people about their action on forest destruction that will emerge the erosion, flooding and climate change,”

According to the plans, MAF will assign one forest ranger to cooperate with the Timor-Leste National Police Community and other local authorities to control the forest.

Based on the data from MAF and International Conservation, Timor – Leste has 44 protected areas but currently, the Government has preserved only three important protected areas including, the Konis Santana area, in Lautem municipality, the Legumao area in the municipality of Baucau, and Fatumasin area in Likisa municipality.

Journalist: Camilio de Sousa

Editor : Nelia B



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