

Govt approves two decree-laws to ensure the quality of plant and animal products

Govt approves two decree-laws to ensure the quality of plant and animal products

Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak presides the council meeting, (Image Tatoli/ Egas Cristovao)

DILI, 15 march 2023 (TATOLI) – The Council of Ministers, today approved two draft Decree-Laws, one related to Plant Health and Quarantine and the other referring to Animal Health. 

The approval of both decree laws aimed at regulating the import of plants and animals to protect indigenous plants and animals. 

The two draft Decree-Laws were presented by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Pedro dos Reis, concerning Plant Health and Quarantine and Animal Health and Quarantine. 

“The draft Decree-Law on Plant Health and Quarantine is to protect plants and products of plant origin from pests and diseases that may threaten the economy and have a negative impact on food safety, in cultivation areas or the natural environment,” Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães said in a press conference, at the Palace of Government, today. 

He said the draft decree-law also intended to provide a clear, efficient, and conducive framework for trade and business activities, empower public officials, and facilitate private sector activities. 

“This draft Decree-Law establishes the legal foundations for the import and export of plants, plant products, and other regulated articles, sets a framework for domestic surveillance, defines procedures to respond to the detection of regulated pests, and establishes a general framework for phytosanitary measures. It also creates a framework to enable the implementation of the provisions, by establishing the role of the responsible authority, its powers, and how the rules are implemented. The framework establishes Decree-Law will be developed through regulations, which will define procedures and other technical details,” Magalhães explained. 

Meanwhile, the aim of the draft Decree Law on Animal Health and Quarantine is to protect animal health and ensure safe products of animal origin, to prevent animal diseases and quarantine risks to public health and food safety, and to provide a clear and efficient framework for trade and business activities. 

“The diploma establishes general animal health measures and specific standards within aquaculture and aquatic animal health, defines functions for veterinary public health issues, regulates veterinary medicines, and provides a system for the identification and traceability of animals,” he said.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries will be responsible for ensuring the implementation of the measures throughout the national territory, through regulations that will define procedures and other technical details.



Journalist: Filomeno Martins

Editor: Nelia Borges


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