DILI, 04 march 2024 (TATOLI) – Timor-Leste’s second round of Integrated Phase Classification (IPC) Acute Food Insecurity analysis published on 29 february, reveals the fragility and deteriorating levels of food insecurity in twelve out of fourteen municipalities in Timor-Leste, amid successive climate shocks and soaring food prices.
An estimated 360,000 people, around one in four of the population, are grappling with crisis levels of food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 or above); of which 18,500 people are facing emergency conditions (IPC Phase 4). The situation is predicted to worsen from may to september 2024 during the post-harvest season, traditionally seen as a period of improved food access. Predicted climate shocks will reduce crop yields, with a projected 19,000 people across six municipalities facing a further decline in their food security and pushing up the total number of people in emergency (IPC4) food conditions to more than 22,000.
The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Forestry, Marcos da Cruz, who jointly validated the IPC findings in december 2023 said: “The 2024 Acute IPC Analysis provides the government with vital findings that will enable us to plan targeted support for communities in urgent need of food assistance and to improve food security overall. Therefore, the relevant parties must make collective efforts to implement the recommendations of the report.”
The President of INETL, I.P, Elias dos Santos Ferreira who supported the IPC validation added: “Addressing Timor-Leste’s food insecurity starts with understanding the extent of the problem. This timely research will help us to implement, together with long-standing development partners in-country, a data-driven humanitarian assistance which incorporates a common vulnerability criteria.”
In response to the report findings, WFP Country Director and Representative for Timor-Leste, Alba Cecilia Garzon Olivares said: “With intensifying climate shocks and the highest inflation rate in a decade, the latest IPC Analysis findings make it clear that urgent action is required now to avert a further deterioration in Timor-Leste’s food insecurity. WFP remains committed to working alongside the Government and other partners to reverse this trend and strengthen nutrition-sensitive social protection systems.”
The IPC Analysis uses a set of internationally recognized tools and procedures to estimate the food insecurity situation in a country. The analysis was conducted from 23 november to 4 december 2023 by a Technical Working Group comprising of 30 government, United Nations, and NGO representatives, facilitated by WFP co-facilitators and an IPC regional coordinator, Simon Muhindi.