

TATOLI, I.P—Agência de Noticiosa de Timor-Leste

(Timor-Leste News Agency)


President of the Board—Manuel Pinto

Vice President of the Board for Media and Journalism—Xisto Freitas da Piedade

Vice President of the Board for Administrative and Financial—Olandino da Costa

                                                                                               Executive Secretary: Marcia Boavida Lay 



Firman Abílio de Castro


Executive Editor—Rafael Ximenes de Assis Belo

                                                              International desk coverage coordinator- Maria Auxiliadora Freitas

National desk coverage coordinator—Florêncio Miranda Ximenes

Regional desk coverage coordinator—Evaristo Soares Martins

Editorial Secretary—Agapito dos Santos


Editor for defense, security, law, health, sports and partners– Zezito da Silva

Journalists: Natalino da Costa, Felicidade Ximenes, Hortencio Sanchez, Jesuina Xavier da Conceição

Editor for politics, metro, inclusive social, arts and culture, Covalima area– Cancio Ximenes Soares

Journalists: Nelson de Sousa, Osória Américo Marques, Celestina Teles

Editor for economics, public finance, education, Viqueque area—Julia Chatarina N. Lapudooh

Journalists: Arminda Fonseca, Tomé Amado, Vitorino Lopes da Costa

Editor for regional desk (RAEOA, Baucau, Bobonaro)—Evaristo Soares Martins

Journalists: Abílio Elio Nini, Natalino Olderico Freitas Belo, Sergio Vicente da Cruz


Portuguese news editor— Isaura Lemos de Deus,

Journalists:  Afonso do Rosario, Domingos da Piedade Freitas


English news editor—Filomeno Martins

Journalists: José de Sá, Camilio de Sousa,


Indonesian news editor—Armandina Moniz

Journalists: Cidalia A. F. da Conceição, Mirandolina D. Barros Soares



                                                                     Multimedia  —Rita Gama de Almeida, Argentina Cardoso

Photo editor—António Gonçalves

Fotographers: Egas Cristovão, Francisco F. da Costa Sony


Videographers: Jogerjo Guterres, Joanico de Araújo, Anito Inacio Soares,


Infographer: Octavio de Jesus Guterres



Head of Administration & Finance Department—Alexandrina B. da. C. Soares

                                                   Head of Human Resource Department—Maria Maia Auxiliadora Vitoria Ximenes

Administrative assistants:  Ofelia Moreira, Leila Caldas, Sofia Viana

Human Resource Officer: Eugenia Soriano

Finance officers:  Gerson da Cruz

Procurament Officer: Geraldo Nou-ily P. Jerónimo, Guilhermina Emilia Freitas

Procurament Assistants:  Merita da Costa Guterres 

Logistics : Marcelino do Rosario, Alcino Fernandes, Juliana d. C. de J. Gonçalves, José Elio Rodrigues,

IT Officers: Figo Briadi Dinis Machado, Bernardo de Sousa Xavier 

Cleaning assistants: Imelda da Costa, Isabel Freitas 

Drivers: Jacinto Soares, João Mariano da Costa

Gardener: Silvestre da Costa, José Martins



  • TATOLI,I.P, an online media outlet that updates news hour to hour with accuracy on the internet trough the website tatoli.tl with exemption, independence and impartiality character;
  • TATOLI,I.P, a media outlet that is independent from the political power and economic power;
  • TATOLI,I.P freely develops its editorial activities with all rigor, which is based on quality journalism, enforcing the code of journalistic ethics and deontological principles of universal journalism;
  • TATOLI,I.P defends a democracy of pluralism to all citizens in the freedom of the press and freedom of expression;
  • TATOLI,I.P, in its journalism activity, assumes the duty to promote good governance, social, educational and entertainment in addition to promoting the socio-cultural values ​​of the Timorese people to strengthen a fair, free and responsible society;
  • TATOLI,I.P, assumes the duty to disseminate news in the journalism product which is respect ​​the good name of all citizens, honor, reputation and good image;
  • TATOLI,I.P, makes the distinction and/or definition in a transparent and truthful way between an opinion article and a journalistic product and respects the ethical norm as well as the legislation hold and adopt in Timor-Leste;
  • TATOLI,I.P, defines its informational priorities according to the requirements of the public interest and the State with relevance and usefulness of information and rejects any form of censorship and types of restrictions against freedom of the press and freedom of information;
  • TATOLI,I.P, rejects various form of discrimination based on race, ethnic, ideology, political choice, nationality, sexual orientation, conviction or faith;
  • TATOLI,I.P, rejects any offer directly and indirectly (envelope/money) from the information sources to impose their interests within the editorial;



Dili, 21th may 2021






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