DILI, 11 September 2020 (TATOLI) – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MNEC) held a formal farewell ceremony for the Representative of the World Health Organization (WHO), Rajesh Pandav, after the end of his nine-year term in Timor-Leste.
MNEC Minister Adaljiza Magno said the MNEC team decided to hold this ceremony to thank the WHO representative who now complete his term in Timor-Leste ending.
“The ministry formally says goodbye to who representative Rajesh Pandav, and at the same time thanks for the effort and dedication, over the years he has been in Timor-Leste to provide the support to health sector and also the support in reducing malaria disease, “Foreign Affairs Minister said after the farewell ceremony.
Ms. Magno also recalled his ctiveness in committed to the prevention of the new coronavirus in Timor-Leste.
WHO representative Rajesh Pandav expressed his satisfaction that the Timorese State, in particular through its Ministry of Health, collaborated with the WHO in the context of successfully making the progress in public health, include the provision of Health for the Timor-Leste population.
“WHO also has contributed with the Ministry of Health and Foreign Affairs Ministry as well as other relevant Ministry for collaborating together help us to support Ministry of Health and Timor-Leste people in achieving healthy Timorese and Healthy Timor-Leste specially during the last nine months since COVID-19 arrived in Timor-Leste.” WHO representative Mr.Pandav said in his speech.
Thus, he said Timor-Leste has taken some decisive action during covid-19, and he ask the Timor-Leste to aware with the pandemic, because it is a world disease and it has caused 22000 cases in the world recorded by the WHO.
“Now the pandemic has not yet ended. so, we need to be vigilant and the government need to do decisive action on that,” he said.
He also revealed the majority successful that Timor-Leste has been achieving in managing and controlling the country without any transmission.
“Majority of success from Tmor-Leste has been possible through the immigration policy, because they are making sure that everybody goes into quarantine, for 14 days, and managing the border well, so this has been one of the best strategies for timor-leste. In addition, they are also making sure there are quarantine facilities created and improving in management, making sure that we don’t have any transmission within the country and also making sure people are educated about the disease and need to taking action,” he said.
He reminds Timor-Leste to take a precaution and to make sure the disease will not enter to Timor-Leste.
“Just yesterday the report shows the number of cases increasing in Indonesia, across the border, that is remind us that everyone should taking precaution and make sure the disease will not enter to Timor-Leste,” he said
Despite he said the situation will not return to normal, hence the country has to make sure that crowded places are well managed, elderly are well protected and informed of dissease and precautions, also follow personal hygiene practice.
Rajesh Pandav said, however, that he will soon assume the position of WHO representative in Nepal.
“I intend to cooperate with the Timorese State and Nepal with regard to the health sector in the future,” he concluded.
Journalist: Domingos Piedade
Editor:Zezito da Silva/Nick Kettle