

PN to conduct an evaluation on Civic Protection laws

PN to conduct an evaluation on Civic Protection laws

Dili, 12 october 2020 (TATOLI)– Parliament to evaluate the laws of civil protection which has issued by President Lu Olo.

“The agenda will include the civil protection law, which has been vetoed by the president of the Republic,” PN secretary Lidia Norberta dos Santos Martins told the journalist after the meeting.

Parliament has approved decree-law number 16/V- a Law for Civil Protection on july 2020, the Voting result shows 57 approval, and 4 Abstained.

The veto followed the public calamity declaration, aspect for the restriction of right and freedom and guarantee.

President of Republic considered this content of Decree-Law must be adequate, clear and consistent with other laws.

The discussions will be done during the evaluation to know what decision will be made.

An early statement from the Parliament Commission B,( Foreign Affair, Defense and Security), Agostinho Sequeira Somoxo said, the referred law had been drafted back in 2010, and it took time until july 20 to approve in Parliament.


Journalist: Evaristo Soares Martins

Editor: Cancio Ximenes/Nick Kettle


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