DILI, 14 october 2020 (TATOLI)- Australia Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) and the partners have discussed a plan priority for the execution and implementation for the disaster risk reduction project in Timor-Leste.
The Council of Human Development of Australian Embassy in Dili, Carli Shilito said, the AHP and the partners are organizing the revision for the programs that have been implemented in the project for disaster risk reduction along with the plan for 2021.
The AHP had signed a cooperation agreement with the Civil Protection Secretary (SEPS) to support the fund of A$105.2 for the implementation of the projects period 2018-2020.
The project is funded by Australian Government and implemented from the syndicate’s partners, Care International, Caritas Australia, Oxfam, Plan International, World Vision and Ra’es Hadomi Timor.
the program including the activities such as growing the trees to prevent the debris, construction of the bridges and roads which are identified dangerous and risky for the community; thus, the project is to protect the community during the monsoon rain.
The project will be implemented in nine municipalities, Aileu, Ainaro, Bobonaro, Covalima, Viqueque, Baucau, Lautem, Manufahi and Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).
Charli Shilito said, the action is to help preventing natural disaster risk.
He added, the project will be finished within this year, but Australia will continue to support the project by means of putting more budget for 2020-2021 and the program is now being discussed.
Mr Shilito also said that Australia will continue to provide a support to Timor-Leste related to Covid-19 on how to prevent the infection.
In addition to that Timor-Leste is very important to Australia to support the development also to implement the development program with prosperity.
Civil Protection Secretary, Joaquin Gusmão, thanked the AHP for the support have been provided and implemented many programs, he asks for the continuation of these programs.
Journalist : Nelson de Sousa
Editor : Francisco Simões/Nick Kettle