DILI, 12 november 2020 (TATOLI)- Timor-Leste Debating group (TLDG) has officially announced the second Timor-Leste National Varsity English Debating Championship (TL-NVEDC) on November 12 at the UNITAL audience room.
The winner for the TL-NVEDC are the team from the Pacem In Terris, from Instituto São João de Brito (ISJB). Runner-Up, The Fighters, from João Saldanha University (JSU). Third-Place Winner, the Four, from UNTL.
The TLDG registered 37 team and 15 are eligible to join the debating and the 15 team are coming from Instituto São João de Brito (ISJB), João Saldanha University (JSU), UNTL, ISFIT B (Instituto Siência e Filosofia e Teologia Dom Jaime Goulart, Fatumeta).
The Committee President, Leónia L Freitas, said the TLDG is providing opportunity to the youth now days on what should they do after joining this activity and ask them to provide the opportunity to others as well.
“All debaters I know sometimes we lost, when you lost don’t give up, you still have opportunity, I also want to ask to all the participants of debaters to know what is your role for the lease.,” she said.
Ms Freitas encourages the young woman to join this activity as it can help the woman to develop themselves, think critically and judge with good arguments.
“All the young woman, we are not like before, this debate provides us the opportunity, you have opportunity to lead, to debate, how to think critically and judge with good arguments. “she said.
According to her, woman is not as supporter no followers but woman is capable of making a decision and become a leader.
“we are not as followers but we can be a decision maker and also leader.TLDG here to support us, and our government is here to support us, international NGO and many other are here to support us.” She said.
As president of thanks, sponsors, be lafaek, unital, undp, knua juven filalima, telkomcel, Australian embassy.
Australaia’s Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Peter Robert said he is delighter to work with the TLDG and the other partners to organized this event of TL- NVEDC which is helpful to develop the skills and the carrier of the participants to be better educator and better communicator.
“I am so happy with you today, and it’s a great working with you today, practicing your skills, listening to each other, debating and I use to involved myself in the debating and this is simple helping me in my carrier to be a better communicator and understanding people, and this is helping me to develop my career to be better educator and better communicator.” Australia’s Ambassador Peter Robert at the TLDG Closing Ceremony.
In line with the commemoration of the 29th anniversary of Timorese National Youth day, 12 november, The United Nation Representative to Timor-Leste (UNDP-TL), Lazima said, this is important day to celebrate youth of Timor-Leste in fight against the independent.
“I am so gland that this has become a tradition and becoming a way to show that youth is a dragging force, and I am so glad to see many others entities, including the embassy, the government and even the private sectors are supporting this activity, thank you very much.”Ms Lazima said.
According to Ms lazima debating itself is difficulties exercise but it is amazing and many interesting topics are debated.
“It shows that Timorese youth is great and excellence and have the spirit and they are really very genius,”Ms Lazima said.
She said this debating is also the exercise of mind and really helps people to think logically, critical thinking to really come up with logical ideas, arguments in the convincing manners.
“So, it teaches you a lot of great skills, no matter of what professional journey you choose to take in the future and I really hope that all of you have been going through this process this year, with amounts of stronger, wiser,” she said.
Ms Lazima said, the UNDP have the opportunity to support the debating group last year and it was on a very day November 2019.
“Our focus is on economic environment and youth but it is also focus on empowering youth to give their voice. So, our support with Timor-Leste in the debating group is more on training on providing leadership, public speaking and communications. Since we started in 2017,” she said.