DILI, 13 november 2020 (TATOLI)– Council of Minister has approved the deliberation Draft to attribute the Noble Medals with Title Posthumous to the South Korean Militaries.
The Draft is presented from the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Timor-Leste, Adaljiza Albertina Xavier Reis Magno.
“Government will refer the medals to the South Korean fallen Militaries in Timor-Leste,”The President for the Council of Minister, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, said after the Council Meeting at the Government Palace.
He added, the indicated Militaries will be awarded a Noble Medals with Title Posthumous include the South Korean Battalion ROKBATT VII, who were fallen shoulders on october 23 2003.
“The refer medals is to acknowledge and praised their significative contribution for the peace and for the national stability,” Ms Magalhães said.
In 1999, Korean Government had detachment forces around 3.000 to Timor-Leste to support Timor-Leste in the Construction of its State and keeping the peace.
The first mission was in Lautem Lospalos Municpality before moving to the Oé-cusse. And the five militaries were lost at the river of Noel Ekab, Oesilo, Oé-cusse when doing their mission.
They were Maiór Byong Jo Min, Maiór Jin Kyu Park, Kopral, Jong Hun Membali and Kopral, Hee Choi also Kim Jung Joung.
Journalist: Antónia Gusmão
Editor: Julia Chatarina