

TIC-MTCI sign agreement on digitalization documents and data

TIC-MTCI sign agreement on digitalization documents and data

DILI, 26 july 2021 (TATOLI) – The Information and Communication Technology Agency I.P. (TIC) signed a memorandum of understanding with the Minister of Tourism, Trade, and Industry (MTCI) to digitalize the data and documents of the MTCI.

“The aim of signing this agreement is to facilitate the work of MTCI, focusing on three components, including developing an electronic database for MTCI, helping MTCI to keep all of the ministry’s data on Government Date Center of TIC Timor, and establishing official email of the MTCI. This official email will facilitate the communication of all staff members of MTCI” the Executive Director of TIC, Roberto Caetano de Sousa Vicente told reporters after signing the agreement at MTCI’s office, in Dili, today.

He said that through the Government Data Center, those MTCI staff members in the municipalities also can access the data center, with a zero cots service: “You don’t need internet to access all information in the data center, as it is 100 percent free access.”

Vicente said so far TIC had facilitated 48 public institutions on Information and Communication Technology, including PNDS in the municipalities, and RAEOA.

He said the applications had been gone through rigorous testing to ensure that the websites and digital databases are safe from hacking.

“TIC plays an important role to advance the e-governance in Timor-Leste, to ensure high-quality service to the public. It will help to promote the socio-economic development of the country,  and also to improve the well-being and good life for Timorese people. It is a remarkable step for TIC,” said Vicente.

At the same place, the Minister of Tourism, Trade, and Industry, José Lucas do Carmo da Silva thanked and appreciate the work of TIC, saying TIC showed such good work, which was performed by Timorese.

“It is the definition of independence and self-autonomous. It showed that we can do it by ourselves, which is known in our local words as ‘Kaer Rasik Ita Kuda Talin’,” said Silva.

Silva emphasized that the agreement was important for MTCI to utilize the information and communication technology to improve its services, especially on data collection, database management, and publication: “MTCI is today marks another step together with TIC to use the Information and Communication Technology to ensure good governance through a good electronic system.”


Journalist: Filomeno Martins

Editor: Nelia Borges Rosario


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