

SEJD visits Youth Center of Dom Boaventura Maun-Fahe

SEJD visits Youth Center of Dom Boaventura Maun-Fahe

DILI, 11 august 2021 (TATOLI) – The Secretary of State for Youth and Sports (SEJD) visited the Youth Center of Dom Boaventura Maun-Fahe (CEFOBOM), in Manufahi municipality.

Speaking to the journalists, the State Secretary of Youth and Sports, Abrão Saldanha said the aim of the visit was to see the program and activities of CEFOBOM to support young people in Manufahi.

“Today, we are here to see all the programs, activities, and difficulties facing this youth center.  They informed me regarding the lack of spaces to run various programs and activities of CEFOBOM. So, they want Manufahi authorities or SEJD to provide them some spaces to have more activities for young people,” Saldanha told reporters after visiting the youth center, today, in Manufahi.

In addition, he said: “It is good to hear that this youth center had been having a good cooperation with a  number of international agencies, which is important to develop young people in many areas.”

He said SEJD would keep supporting CEFOBOM to keep developing young people in Manufahi, particularly in remote areas.

Responding to the visit of the SEJD, the General Manager of CEFOBOM, Antonino Doutel Sarmento appreciated the visit, saying it was an honor for CEFOBOM to receive the visit.

“This visit is important to strengthen the existing program and activities of CEFOBOM. This visit would encourage us to put more effort to develop our young people to become the drivers of social change,” said Sarmento.

He said lack of space is one of the difficulties facing CEFOBOM, saying more spaces will be needed to provide training and other related activities for young people.

“We have been working closely with a number of international agencies in providing equipment, and training for our young people.  Such as, Friends of Same based in Melbourne Australia helped us with computers and printing kids’ books and other materials. Furthermore, Caritas Australia supported us with a livelihood sustainable program, which was focusing on the agriculture sector.  We also have English language training supported by Peace Corps and New Zealand Aid Program (NZAID) and Korean Language training for those young people who wants to work in South Korea,” said Sarmento.

Journalist: Filomeno Martins

Editor: Nelia Borges Rosario


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