

Jape Kong Su reaffirms its commitment to develop Timor-Leste

Jape Kong Su reaffirms its commitment to develop Timor-Leste

DILI Company Lda, the owner of Timor-Plaza, Jape Kong Su mets Prime minister, Taur Matan Ruak. Images//GPM

DILI, 15 march 2022 (TATOLI) – DILI Company Lda, the owner of Timor-Plaza, reaffirmed its commitment to Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak to support the national development of Timor-Leste.

Jape Kong Su, the Chairman of Dili Company Ltd, accompanied by the Deputy Chairman, Alan Jape, and Managing Director, Tony Jape, today, met with Prime Minister Ruak to express their interest to support Timor-Leste’s national development.

“It’s the first-time meeting of His Excellency Prime Minister Ruak after two years. We will keep supporting the development of Timor-Leste,” Deputy Chairman of Dili Company Ltd, Alan Jape told reporters after meeting Prime Minister Ruak, in Farol, Dili, today.

The team also informed the Prime Minister about the ongoing construction of its Central Business District (CBD) 10: “These CBD 10 is good for tourist attraction.”

“We know that both Timor-Leste and Australia had officially announced an Australian Passenger Carrier to permanently operate its flight to Timor-Leste. It’s good news for us to invest more in tourism as more tourists would come to Timor-Leste,” said Jape.

Journalist: Filomeno Martins

Editor: Rafy Belo


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