DILI, 14 february 2023 (TATOLI) – The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) the Department of Coffee Industry and Plantation, planned to recruit another 1500 Forest Rangers to protect and control the forest resources in Timor-Leste.
The Nacional Director of Coffee Plantation and Industry, Raimundo Mau, said that Timor – Leste, has 8,600 hectares of protected forest and currently 250 Forest Rangers are controlling the National territory so, one Forest Rangers can guard and control 500 hectares of the forest, therefore in the future MAF will need another 1500 Forest Rangers to protect and control the forest resources in the national territory of Timor-Leste.
“We need another 1500 Forest Rangers to protect and Control the forest resources in Timor-Leste because currently, MAF has only 250 Forest Rangers which is not sufficient to guard and control all the protected forests in the national territory of Timor-Leste,” said Raimundo Mau when interviewed by TATOLI in his office Cai – Coli Dili on tuesday.
With a lacking of Forest Rangers, MAF calls on local communities to cooperate with the Forest Rangers in the Municipalities to safeguard forest resources to prevent people from cutting down trees and hunting wild animals.
“I call on local communities on behalf of Government MAF to have a sense of shared ownership of forest resources to work together with Forest Rangers in each municipality to ensure the protected forest to ensure the sustainability of forest resources for our future generations in Timor – Leste he concluded
Journalist: Armanda Fonseca
Editor: Armandina Moniz
Translation: Camilio de Sousa