

Community Learning Center in Maumeta opens the doors to second opportunities to learn

Community Learning Center in Maumeta opens the doors to second opportunities to learn

LIQUIÇA, 13 december 2023 (TATOLI) – The National Commissions of Timor-Leste and South Korea for UNESCO and the Ministry of Education, with the involvement of local authorities, opened a Community Learning Center in Maumeta, in Bazartete, Liquiçá. These centers are dedicated to illiterate literacy, the acquisition of practical skills for life, and the obtaining of equivalents, and may have other contents if understood as necessary (in the case of foreign languages such as English and Korean).

The Executive Secretary of the National Commission for UNESCO Timor-Leste (CNTLU), Luís Soares, stated in his speech that, in accordance with the Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030, it is necessary to create community learning centers in all administrative posts, aimed at combating illiteracy in the country.

“We are committed to collaborating with the Ministry of Education to improve the quality of education through the establishment of community learning centers. In them, we provide various programs with the aim of reducing the rate of illiteracy in Timor-Leste,” the leader said on the sidelines of the opening ceremony in Liquiçá.

Luís Soares recalled that in 2019, the South Korean Government, through the National Commission for UNESCO, signed an agreement aimed at the provision of one million US dollars for the construction of 16 community learning centers across the country. The official stressed that the amount has been made available gradually, about 200 thousand dollars per year, and it is expected that in 2024 two more centers, one in Aileu and another in Ataúro, will be built.

In this regard, it should be recalled that a little more than a year ago, a similar center was opened in Fitun, in Hatulia, Ermera, as part of an undertaking to create 16 of these centers. Generally speaking, these, financed by South Korea, are built through community partnerships, and the responsibility for management lies with local groups.

The leader added that “in addition to the construction of these centers, the amount made available allows the development of mathematics, English, and Korean manuals, facilitates the implementation of literacy programs, the acquisition of skills for life and training of teachers, and makes it possible to pay salaries to employees”.

Luís Soares expects that the partnership between Timor-Leste and South Korea, through the Timor-East Bridge Project, will continue in order to contribute to the promotion of citizens’ right to education and become a bridge of hope for those who are excluded from formal education by completing their recurring teaching studies at community learning centers established in each municipality.

Likewise, the representative of the National Commission for UNESCO of South Korea, Grace Kim, was proud to participate in the official opening ceremony of the Community Learning Centre in Maumeta, considering that the space will allow young people to acquire more knowledge. The Korean recalled that, after the pandemic, there has been an increase in the rate of school dropout, so any opportunity for learning outside the school walls becomes very important.

As such, Grace Kim considers that the opening of the Community Learning Centre in Maumeta “is a symbol of hope that shows Timor-Leste’s determination not to let learning stop in any situation,” adding that she believes that this center will serve as a foundation for the personal and professional performance of citizens, especially the community of that municipality.

The representative of the Ministry of Education, Deolindo da Cruz, praised the support in the development of literacy and numeracy skills that community learning centers provide, advising young people who have not completed formal education to take advantage of the opportunities that the center offers. Finally, Deolindo Cruz added that diplomas passed by the center are recognized and issued by the Recurrent Education Directorate of the Ministry of Education.

In turn, the administrator of the municipality of Liquiçá, Pedro Paulo Gomes, on behalf of the local community, thanked the government of South Korea for building this center. “We are pleased with the creation of the learning center, as it will provide learning opportunities to those who are not yet able to read or write, as well as those who have abandoned formal education to acquire knowledge to adapt to current and future technological changes.”

Journalist: Afonso

Editor: Isaura Lemos
Translator: José Belarmino de Sá


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