

President Horta provides basic needs to communities in Taiboko village

President Horta provides basic needs to communities in Taiboko village

Image Office of the President of the Republic

DILI, 28 march 2024 (TATOLI) – The President of the Republic Jose Ramos Horta, accompanied by the Chief of the Staff and the Advisor for Civil Society Services, the President of the RAEOA Authority, and the Executive Coordinator of ZEEDOA, distributed basic necessities to communities in Taiboko village, Pante Makassar administrative post, Special Administrative Region of Oecusse Ambeno (RAEOA).

The President of the Republic was very pleased to meet with the communities in Makelab sub-village.

In Oecusse, many communities still face living difficulties, therefore the President of the Republic gladly visited the communities directly to see their living situation and conditions, as well as distribute some food aid to the community as a charitable action to celebrate Easter.

The community leader of Makelab village and the community expressed their gratitude for the support from the President of the Republic, which has helped them celebrate Easter.

In Oe-Cusse, the President of the Republic, also participated in the sacred Way of the Cross procession to celebrate Holy Week.

The Head of State accompanied the Way of the Cross together with the Presidential team, religious leaders including Cardinal Dom Virgílio do Carmo da Silva, SDB, authorities, and parishioners from Oe-Cusse Ambeno, taking part in the procession.


Journalist: Jose Belarmino de Sa

Editor: Filomeno Martins 


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