

Govt approves resolution on the creation of Inter-Ministerial Coordination Committees

Govt approves resolution on the creation of Inter-Ministerial Coordination Committees

Image Tatoli

DILI, 07 august 2024 (TATOLI) – The Council of Ministers also approved the Government Resolution, presented by the Minister of Finance, Santina José Rodrigues F. Viegas Cardoso, for the creation of the Inter-Ministerial Coordination Committees.

The Inter-Ministerial Coordination Committees, created by this Government Resolution, aim to optimize and monitor development in the areas of infrastructure, economic development, social affairs, and institutional strengthening in Timor-Leste. The committee aims to ensure the effective use of foreign aid and alignment with the National Strategic Development Plan.

With this Government Resolution, four Inter-Ministerial Coordination Committees are established, each with specific responsibilities.

The Infrastructure Committee will be led by the Minister for Planning and Strategic Investment. The Economic Development Commission will be led by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs and the Minister for Tourism and the Environment. The Social Affairs Committee will be led by the Coordinating Minister for Social Affairs. Finally, the Institutional Development Committee will be led by the Minister for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Each committee will include representatives from various ministries and secretariats of state relevant to their areas of activity.

The responsibilities of these committees include identifying risks, defining priority actions, coordinating technical assistance, and preparing sectoral development plans. Each committee will produce quarterly activity reports, which will be submitted to the Council of Ministers. Technical and secretarial support will be provided by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.



Journalist: Camilio de Sousa
Editor: Filomeno Martins 


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