DILI, 16 september 2024 (TATOLI) – To foster national pride and provide a significant cultural and recreational experience for Timor-Leste’s community, GRU, Redstar, and Metrolink show their commitment to co-sponsor the upcoming horse racing event that is scheduled to take place on November 10th, 2024, at Oe-cusse-Ambeno on behalf of the celebration of TL’s Independence Day.
“GRU is proud to be the key sponsor of this horse racing event, which not only celebrates our nation’s independence but also brings our community together,” Datuk Harry, a representative of GRU, made a comment on a press release that is being issued to TATOLI today.
“We would like to take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude to the state government of Oe-cusse for their unwavering support of our upcoming Timor-Leste’s First Offshore Gaming Operation Center project. Their backing has been instrumental in making this project a reality. We look forward to a thrilling and memorable event,” he emphasized.
Also, Redstar, according to its representative, stated that they were delighted to be a co-sponsor of this significant event by saying, “As the owner of the country’s largest lottery operator, we are excited to announce that we will soon be opening our operations office in Oe-cusse”.
“We would like to take this opportunity to appreciate the state government for their support and the great resources they have provided to make this happen,” Executive Director Maximiano Piedade expressed at the same document.
In other parts, MetroLink Representative José Januario Reis-Noki considered it an honor for them to co-sponsor this horse racing event.
As one of the largest ISPs in Timor-Leste, he highlighted, “We are happy to be part of this exciting event. We would like to take this opportunity to declare our upcoming plan to invest in digital infrastructure for Oe-cusse by implementing a high-speed internet connectivity network. We want the people of Oe-cusse to be able to connect to the world via Metrolink’s reliable and stable internet connection.”