DILI, 14 november 2024 (TATOLI) – After the success of Timor-Leste’s first national programme for future leaders launched in 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation through the Office of the Vice-Minister for ASEAN Affairs, announces the opening for candidates of the second cohort of 100 Future Leaders to begin in 2025.
The Futuru Líder Ba ASEAN (FLBA) programme is a strategic initiative financed by the Timor-Leste government to prepare the nation’s next generation of leaders for long-term integration into ASEAN. The programme is directed by the Vice-Minister for ASEAN Affairs with the purpose of preparing the next generation of leaders from all sectors of the country to take responsibilty for Timor-Leste’s long-term national development within the ASEAN region.
The programme has the following objectives:
Accelerate Timor-Leste’s pipeline of the next generation of leaders in ASEAN and for national development.
Develop ASEAN-capable and ASEAN-ready leaders who understand and can work with ASEAN Institutions and Member States.
Provide ASEAN exposure and networking with leaders and future leaders across ASEAN Member States.
Expose future leaders to strategic national development projects for responsible economic growth, social progress and the sustainability of the country.
Ensure career development for cross-sector leadership and entrepreneurship in Timor-Leste.
Information about FLBA
FLBA is a 12-month programme composed of leadership training sessions, exposure to ASEAN through a 10-day Immerion in an ASEAN country, action learning projects for the strategic development of Timor-Leste and leadership career development planning.
The programme is designed for young working professionals who will continue with their jobs during the 12 months. However, this is an intensive learning programme. Working candidates need to secure permission from their employers for a time commitment of 25 working days for training and international exposure, plus self-organised time for research and reports. To receive the FLBA certificate as a future leader, participation in the sessions and completion of assignments with quality assessed in certification interviews is required.
There is no education fee charged to selected candidates. The cost for travel for ASEAN is free.
The FLBA programme selects a diverse cohort of candidates coming from all sectors and all municipalities including public sector institutions, private sector and startup businesses, civil society organisations, universities, and international aid organisations.
Participants are carefully selected through an application process followed by an individual interview. Successful candidates must be aged 23-37 and be proficient in the English language at a working level.
The following diversity criteria apply in candidate selection:
No preference given according to political party affiliation or religious faith.
Gender balance.
Geographical balance from across the country.
Inclusion of people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups.
Application Procedure
Fill-in the online FLBA application form in English by 10 December 2024 https://forms.gle/1JsrUXt9Zs1iMpjt6.
Submit a recommendation letter from your employer or a senior leader in your organization to the Office of the Vice-Minister for ASEAN Affairs: cohort1.flba@gmail.com.
Participate in an individual interview with the selection panel, which begins on 20 December 2024.
For questions or queries please send an email to: cohort1.flba@gmail.com.
Journalist: Camilio de Sousa
Editor: Filomeno Martins