DILI, 15 january 2025 (TATOLI) – The Council of Ministers approved the draft Decree-Law, presented by the Secretary of State for Social Communication, Expedito Dias Ximenes, regarding the Organic Structure of the Secretariat of State for Social Communication (SECOMS).
This legislative initiative stems from the approval of Decree-Law no. 36/2024, of November 6th, which introduced the first amendment to Decree-Law no. 46/2023, of July 28th, which created the Secretariat of State for the Media.
“The main objective is to provide SECOMS with a functional organic structure suitable for carrying out its duties and ensuring the effective implementation of the programs and activities defined in the Strategic Plan 2024-2028 and in the Program of the 9th Constitutional Government for the media area,” said in a statement.
SECOMS comprises the set of bodies and services that support the Secretary of State for Social Communication in the exercise of his powers. SECOMS’ main functions include designing, implementing, coordinating and evaluating the media policy defined and approved by the Council of Ministers. SECOMS is also responsible for proposing policies, drafting the necessary legislation and regulations for the media area, and coordinating the dissemination of information on government programs and actions.