DILI, 17 january 2025 (TATOLI) – A total 480 applications were submitted, resulting in 330 interviews for qualified candidates. Only 100 participants were chosen and announced for the FLBA cohort 2. The highest scores are prioritized in determining criteria; sectors and gender balance are taken into account.
The gender and sector distribution of the FLBA cohort 2 participants is presented in the following lists:
Gender balance: 50% male and 50% female, public sector; 21% private sector; 25% civil society organization: 26%, academic 16%, entrepreneurs 9%, and freelancers 3%.
Participants of the second cohort benefit from the experience and guidance of Cohort 1 graduates. For example, in the training and workshops, cohort 1 graduates will be teaching assistants and workshop leaders. Another benefit is in the preparation for the ASEAN immersion trips to different countries. Cohort 1 will prepare the teams to target cooperation projects for each ASEAN country.
For the Timor-Leste action learning projects for strategic development, the cohort 2 teams will be working on 16 action learning projects (ALP) building up from the cohort 1 projects.
Based on the impact results survey report, the success of the FLBA program shows that it contributes to filling an urgent need for the country’s future development for the next generation of Timor-Leste leaders.
The networking of the two cohorts strengthens the quantity and quality of leadership.
The official launch of Cohort 2 is scheduled for either January 31st or the first week of February 2025.
Participants from Cohorts 1 and 2 will be present. During the ceremony, certificates for Cohort 1 FLBA graduates will be handed out.