

Timor-Leste Launched a 2019 Agricultural Census Report

Timor-Leste Launched a 2019 Agricultural Census Report

DÍLI,  10 november, 2020 (TATOLI) – The Acting Minister of Finance, Sara Lobo Brites, accompanied by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Pedro Reis, and the FAO representative in Timor-Leste, Dagen Liu, proceeded with the launch of the “2019 Agricultural Census Report” at the Xanana Gusmão Auditorium, at the Ministry of Finance, on November 10th, 2020.

The results of  2019 Agricultural Census, reveal that 141,141 Timorese families live depend on agriculture, which is equivalent to 66%, of the 213,417 from the total number of households in Timor-Leste.

The report indicate, 85% agricultural properties are led by man and 15% are woman.

While the 66% households have occupied 216,180 hectares of cultivated areas, and 3,070 hectares land belong to 597 institutions.

Minister Brites highlighted in the context of the launching launch of the “2019 Agricultural Census Report” that there are 62% of the cattle farmers (cattle owner), 92% compose of goat’s farmers and 82% are dedicated to poultry activities.

“The data allows us to show productivity of the livestock in subsector. It is essential to contribute to the improvement of the population’s nutrition, to provide higher income for livestock producers to gain more skills to replace imports and promote the export sector in the future”, Ms Brites said

The report also recorded 7,768 of households are involved in fishing and aquaculture activities, which is equivalent to 60%, of which 25% do not use traditional eaves.

“The data indicate, that despite of Timor-Leste has potential in the fisheries sub-sector, but there is still lack of participation from the households since they continue to use traditional practices that is overset,” She said.


The Report shows 28.2% of farmer’s families never attended school, 27.6% attended only primary education, 13.5% studied until pre-secondary education, 15.8% secondary education, 2.2% have completed their bachelor’s degree and only 3.9% have a degree.

Ms Brites said the Government is committed in promoting evidence-based policies and, in this sense, the Agricultural Census will complement the Family Census, to be carried out in 2021, and the Timor-Leste Life Standards Survey, to be held in 2022.

“The data allow us to know what are the components of our social layer, to analyze different aspects, such as agriculture, demography and living standards of the population in Timor-Leste, She said.


Journalist: Antonia Gustmao

Editor:Julia Chatarina/Nick Kettle
















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