

EU support Timor-Leste to combat the violence against woman and children

EU support Timor-Leste to combat the violence against woman and children

DILI, 04 december 2020 (TATOLI)— The Ambassador of the European Union (EU), Andrew Jacob said the EU would continue the commitment to fight against gender-based violence and the violence against woman and children in the world, especially in Timor-Leste.

Andrew made this statement as part of the campaign for violence against woman and children in Timor-Leste for December 16.

The support provided by the EU to combat violence against woman and children is financial and technical support from partnerships countries and civil society.

“Timor-Leste registered a high number of violent acts against the woman. About 60% of woman from the age of 15-49 have suffered from sexual violence from their partners. They had also suffered from violence before the country got its independence.,” Mr Jacob said.

Andrew Jacobs explains that the EU does not see any sustainable development that doesn’t include women.

“We will not be able to reach this if we are not stopping all forms of violence against woman and children. The EU is working very hard to set the rights of women for sustainable development,” he said.

Through partnerships with Hivos, Fokupers and Acibit, EU wishes to support Timor-Leste to fortify the means of strengthening the local civil society and the organisations of the community which support women survivors and the victims of violence to promote reintegrate and access for the economic development.

He considers this initiative will be put in place in seven municipalities such as Ainaro, Baucau, Dili, Ermera, Liquiça, Manufahi and Oé-Cusse, with its implementation starting from February and continuing through to 2022 with $625 thousand times budget.

Journalist: Osória Marques
Editor: Cancio Ximenes/Nick kettle


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