

Timor-Leste Government propose to extend the level 9 of State of Emergency

Timor-Leste Government propose to extend the level 9 of State of Emergency

Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak presides Council of Minister Meeting (Image Tatoli/Egas Cristovao)

DILI, 21 december 2020 (TATOLI)– Council of Minister has proposed the President of Republic, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo for the renewal of State of Emergency for another 30 days.

“The Renewal of the State of Emergency is approved during the Council Minister meeting and the request proposal has signed by the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, “ The President for the Council of Minister, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães said after the Council meeting on Wednesday (21/12).

The government said the extensions give it the ability to address the urgent public health situation as a result of the virus and to ensure measures remain in place to protect the population.

“The Government acknowledge the renewal of the State of Emergency to by means to suspend the right for the international circulation, and retention of the residence and resistance, we all need to do our part to protect ourselves and our loved ones and keep our communities safe,” said Magalhães.

In spite the level eight of State of Emergency was declared by the President of Republic, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo starting on december 4 at 00:00 am to January 2 35:59pm.

Journalist: Antónia Gusmão

Editor: Julia Chatarina


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