DILI, 28 january 2021 (TATOLI)- President of Republic, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo declares new state of emergency because of a record surge of coronavirus infections in the regional and global level.
The State of Emergency will be effective for 30 days, starting Tuesday February 2 until March 2, 2021.
New state of emergency establish with the fundamental preference to the situation of public calamity.
President of Republic declares state of emergency after parliament approved the emergency request from the government.
On wednesay 27, The Superior Council of Defense and State Council request the President to forward the proposal to the parliament for the authorization.
“The request for the renewal of the state of emergency because of the public concern regarding the current unhappy epidemiological situation and proliferation record surge of coronavirus SARS-CoV2 infections in regional and international level,” it stated.
Following the record from the WHO until 26 of january, tehre are 100250000 world cases were confirmed positives and more than 2,00.000 fatalities.
While Indonesia nusa tengara Timur registered total of 4,350 infection cases with 110 death recorded.
The new restrictive measures include the suspension for the right of international circulation, freedom of circulation, a limit the right on public gatherings, and the right for the priority and incentive of private economy.
Public Authority will impose restrictive measure necessary to reduce the spread of the virus, which is also including social distance, quarantine for the suspect of infection, isolated, wearing masks, wanshing hands and maintain physical contact.
Until today, Timor-Leste has reported a total of 68 cases, with 50 have been recovered no death confirmed.