

“Roman Ba Foin Sa’e” Program helps transform teenager’s mindset

“Roman Ba Foin Sa’e” Program helps transform teenager’s mindset

DILI, 09 july 2021 (TATOLI)-World Vision in Timor-Leste (WVTL) provided ‘Light for adolescents’, ‘Roman Ba Foin Sa’e’ program to help transform the mindset of young people, in the age range in preparing themselves before entering adulthood.

Technical Specialist on Gender and Child Protection, Joana dos Santos Camoes said that the project aims to protect youth from violence and equip them with the skills to realize their full potential.

This program focuses on young people’s lack of capacity to find the solution for their problems. Mostly women are experiencing many problems and they are very weak to solve the problems due to lack of capacity. The Project’s specialist, Joana dos Santos Camões told TATOLI Agency at the World Vision office in Bidau Mota Klaran, this thursday.

The program has been running since june last year and will end in july 2025, it is implemented in the Bobonaro municipality, especially in Balibó  post administrative and coverage in  five villages comprising  Balibó Vila, Cowa, Sanirin, Leolima and Leohito and in 24 areas.

The program established one training center and the recruitment for two trainers to lead the training for 20 or 25 years and even more.

The implementation to this program, in coordinating with parents and religious persons, also with cultural spokesperson and also local leaders, involves and assists the project implementation.

The program can provide four significant ways to transform teenagers’ mindset, and provide better character, gender balance, and even the changes made for the tradition that do not offer impact for teenagers.

Ms. Joana also said that World Vision and Marie Stopes Timor-Leste have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish the principles of cooperation and strengthen coordination between the two parties for the implementation of the ‘Roman ba Foin Sa’e’ project.

Marie Stopes Timor-Leste’s Country Manager, Girshma Bista greatly appreciates the cooperation that has been established between the two institutions, where in the future Marie Stopes will assist in providing training on sexual and reproductive health.

“We will conduct training as well as outreach to the youth in Bobonaro. It is work coordination with local authority, chief of the village and other communities.

Marry Stopes considers it is part of education and not sensitive issues to be discussed about sexual and reproductive health. “It is vital for everyone that to save teenagers’ futures, it is important for them to involve in make the right decision,” he said.

Journalist: José Belarmino de Sá

Editor: Rafy Belo


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