

Celebration of International Women’s Day: carrying out activities to raise awareness of the environment in Lautém

Celebration of International Women’s Day: carrying out activities to raise awareness of the environment in Lautém

The Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion, Maria José da Fonseca de Jesus

DILI, 08 march 2022 (TATOLI) – The Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion (SEII) celebrated International Women’s Day, under the theme “Equality, Gender and Climate Change”, in the juice of Mehara, administrative post of Tutuala, in Lautém, with activities to raise awareness about the environment.

As part of this celebration, the Government, in addition to distributing rubbish bins to the population, gave prizes to the winning students of a competition organized by secondary schools.

The Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion, Maria José da Fonseca de Jesus, said it is important to celebrate success and promote women.

“Among others, we remember, above all, the heroine Maria Tapo, who contributed to the independence of Timor-Leste. It’s time for women to be partners for the country’s development”, she said.

The official also asks everyone not to cut trees or throw garbage on the ground, in order to contribute to the protection of the ecosystem.

“The attitude of human beings contributes to climate change. The commemoration included the realization of awareness-raising activities on the correct way of caring for the environment, as children and women can be victims”, said the minister, in the statement that Tatoli had access to.

“We have children and women with disabilities and the LGBTI community. Therefore, I ask everyone to respect each other and treat each other equally. Many women continue to suffer. We have to fight against discrimination, thus contributing to the development of the nation”, he appealed.

Along the same lines, the deputy minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Signi Verdial, said that women are the country’s development partners.

“Women do not compete with men, but they are partners for the development of the entire Timorese sector, especially the economy. The country needs everyone’s contribution and has 600,000 women,” said the minister.

According to Signi Verdial, women better understand the situation of mothers and children in the family, community and country.

The commemoration was attended by parliamentary members, representatives of UN Women in Timor-Leste, the Government, local partners, the Municipal Administrator and local authorities.

Related news:Taur Matan Ruak: “we count on women, as agents of transformation and change in communities”

Journalist: Jesuína Xavier

Editor: Maria Auxiliadora/Rafy Belo

Translator: Camilio de Sousa


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