

TANE Consumer becomes ICA’s member after fulfil some principal criteria

TANE Consumer becomes ICA’s member after fulfil some principal criteria

(TANE Consumidores)

DILI, 09 march 2022 (TATOLI)- The International Consumer Association (ICA) has admitted TANE Consumer Association – Timor-Leste consumer protection association, to join the International members after evaluating some principal criteria.

The president of TANE, António Ramos

President of TANE consumer association, António Ramos da Silva said after the International consumer association evaluates all criteria in 2019, TANE officially announced to become international members on 7th march 2022.

“The admission of TANE association for joining international member gives some advantage that TANE able to access information from all defense consumers’ association across the world,” António Ramos da Silva, TANE’s official, told TATOLI Agency at his office, Vila Verde, this wednesday.

On allowing TANE association to become international members, it is required to fulfill some criteria such as:

  1. TANE consumer association must be an association originally from Timor-Leste.
  2. The Association must be independent and intervene in any political issue.
  3. The submission of TANE’s statute, Vision, and Mission must be clear.
  4. Focus on the TANE work performance.
  5. How many association members.
  6. The association income
  7. The establishment of International Website consumers

Thus, the TANE association is still focused to finalize the international website this month. He added.

Mr. Silva said that TANE can be included on the international agenda for defense consumers on an international level.  TANE will be linked to the Economy and Business sectors.

 “TANE consumer Association’s voice can be heard worldwide and not even only in Timor-Leste. It is through the international consumer links, as representing international civic societies and becoming the collective members of United Nations for World Trade Organization and Directly with UNCTAD,” He explained.

It is a brilliant opportunity offered to TANE Consumer Association to be linked with the international association and federation around the world.

UNCTD deals with trade policies, regulations, and institutions at national, regional and international levels.

The World Trade Organization is a partnership with International consumer associations to ensure all consumer protection on world trade.

The President said the other proposes to ensure the TANE Consumers Association be able to access the information and learn from experiences from other countries members from international level.

This process commenced on 20 november 2019, since TANE Consumer attended an international meeting in Portugal.

TANE Association received the admission letter last february and the official letter arrived on 7th march 2022.

Related news:TANE lauches a website to promote the rights and duties of consumers

Journalist: José Belarmino De Sá

Editor: Rafy Belo


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