DILI, 05 january 2022 ( TATOLI)– The Executive President of Prevention and Combating HIV /AIDS in Timor – Leste ( INCSIDA, IP), Atanasio de Jesus, said that INCSIDA, IP has been working together with the Ministry of Health ( MoH) to control all local and International massage therapy activities in Timor – Leste.
Director of INCSIDA. IP, Atanasio de Jesus said, they have to control these activities because according to Atanasio sometime these activities are implemented and otherwise they also do casual sex activity, which can contribute to the raising HIV/AIDS number.
“We have worked together with the MoH to control all massage activities in Timor – Leste, and will send doctors to control because based on the data and information from the public, the massage activities also contribute to the rising of HIV /AIDS in Timor – Leste,” said the Executive President of INCSIDA, IP Atanasio de Jesus when interviewed by TATOLI in his office Luro- Mata, Dili on thursday.
Atanasio said, based on the data collected by INCSIDA, IP has over 30 massage therapy activities implemented in Timor-Leste, and mostly the owner is from Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, and China including Timor – Leste.
“These activities are dominated by women, therefore it requires control from the authority and requires moral advocacy assistance to prevent them from HIV/AIDS,”
Timor-Leste has recorded so far, 1700 HIV/AIDS cases from 2003 to 2023.
Journalist: Camilio de Sousa
Editor: Nelia B.