

Customs Authority collects more than US$100 million in Tax in 2024

Customs Authority collects more than US$100 million in Tax in 2024

Commissioner of the Customs Authority, Joanico Pinto/Image CATL

DILI, 11 december 2024 (TATOLI) – As of december 11, 2024, the Customs Authority of Timor-Leste (CATL) has collected more than US$ million for the State Treasury in 2024.

“From january 2023 until yesterday, the Customs Authority collected 100,779,482.76,” Commissioner Joanico Pinto told reporters, on wednesday.

Pinto explained that the money was collected through direct taxes, sales taxes, and selective consumption taxes. Direct taxes, sales taxes, and selective consumption taxes are all types of taxes that can be used to tax consumers.

Direct tax is levied directly on individuals and businesses, such as income tax, wealth tax, gift tax, and capital gains tax. Sales tax is a consumption tax levied on the retail sale of goods and services, usually collected by the seller and remitted to the government. Meanwhile, the selective consumption tax is a tax on specific purchases, such as alcohol, motor fuel, and tobacco.



Journalist: Camilio de Sousa
Editor: Filomeno Martins 


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