DILI, 07 december 2025 (TATOLI) – In a commendable move to increase access to birth registration, including through issuance of birth certificates from the civil authority, UNICEF handed over ICT (information and communication technology) equipment to the Ministry of Justice. The equipment consists of Main server (2 units) Rack server (1 unit), Server monitoring screen (2 units) backup storage (2 units), Laptops (8 units), LCD screen for networking monitoring (4 units), printers (4 units), scanners (6 units), firewall (2 units), fingerprint (21 units).
The handover is part of a package of comprehensive reforms to promote birth registration with certificates, consisting of mobile birth registration, strengthening of the demographic management information system, training of relevant officers and local authorities who provide birth registration service, as well as policy reform.
“Timor-Leste has a functional civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) system, that provides birth registration at the municipality level. Timor-Leste’s efforts to provide an integrated birth registration system is well recognized in the region. This equipment will be very useful for the Ministry to continue to reach more children with birth registration and certificates and contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal on birth registration” Said the Minister of Justice Sérgio de Jesus Fernandes da Costa Hornai.
According to current data, almost 90 % of Timorese children are registered, but only 30% have a birth certificate. This exposes them to many vulnerabilities and excludes them from accessing support to their education, health and protection.
“Birth registration is fundamental to fulfil a child’s right to a name, nationality and identity. Registering a child at birth (with a certificate) is crucial, both for access to essential services as well as protection of the child in the event of separation, abandonment or abuse,” said the UNICEF Representative Ainhoa Jaureguibeitia.
Apart from the ICT equipment, UNICEF has also supported efforts to improve birth registration coverage through supporting MoJ to conduct mobile birth registration with the support of Catalpa and Hamnasa.
“A mobile birth registration campaign, that was launched in September 2023 by the President of Timor-Leste, Jose Ramos Horta, targeting five municipalities and a national media campaign in Timor-Leste is drawing thousands of parents to register their kids and receive a birth certificate. This handover of equipment is to support the Ministry of Justice officials to provide this crucial service at the local level,” said UNICEF Representative Patrizia DiGiovanni.
Led by the Ministry of justice with close collaboration from the Ministry of Health and supported by DFAT, UNICEF is partnering with local NGOs Catalpa and Hamnasa to implement this programme.
Over the past decade, UNICEF has partnered with MoJ to make critical reforms in the area of birth registration.
Journalist: Camilio de Sousa
Editor: Filomeno Martins