

JICA holds JOCV Mid-Term Presentation in Dili

JICA holds JOCV Mid-Term Presentation in Dili

Image TATOLI/Camilio de Sousa

DILI, 16  january 2025 (TATOLI) – Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICAL), on wednesday,  held the Mid-Term Presentation of the five members of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) in Timor-Leste.

These Japanese volunteers made presentations for the mid-term review of their activities that are carried out at their host organizations. Three of the volunteers’ activities are in Physical Education, one in Pharmacy, and one in Nursing.

The presenters were Kanako Osaka, engaged in physical education at the Jose Oprario High School, Natsuki Kuwada, engaged in physical education at Farol Central Basic School, Tomohiro Kato, engaged in physical education at the Saint Magdalene of Canossa High School, Yuki Ichikawa, engaged in pharmacy at the National Institute of Pharmacy and Medical Products (INFPM) and Midori Nakada, engaged in nursing at the Institute of Health Sciences.

During the presentation, these volunteers present their activities for the first half of their assignment, including a discussion of the challenges they face in the country.

The presentations were given in Tetum, which demonstrates the courage and willingness of the Japanese volunteers to learn new languages and new cultures.

The information from the presentation will be used by JICA to determine whether the activities of the JOCV are contributing to the objective of the project.

In his opening speech, JICA’s Chief Representative in Timor-Leste, ITO Mimpei, expressed his satisfaction with the five volunteers for carrying out their voluntary work with great dedication, commitment, and professionalism.

Ito Mimpei encourages the volunteers to contribute more to Timor-Leste’s development during the remaining period of their stay in the country.

A JVOC mid-term presentation is a presentation made by a Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer (JOCV) to the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The presentation is part of a mid-term review of the JOCV’s activities at their host organization.

JOCV is one of the oldest volunteer programs in the world. This program is for those with a strong commitment to utilizing their own skills and knowledge for people in developing countries, by selecting the job type. JOVC is a government system for sending young Japanese volunteers overseas operated by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

More than 30 Japanese volunteers had been sent to Timor-Leste to work in various organizations and had contributed significantly to the country’s development, mainly in youth development and in the education and health sectors.


Journalist: Camilio de Sousa
Editor: Filomeno Martins 


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