

Japan and CARE continue to strengthen agricultural production and women’s economic empowerment

Japan and CARE continue to strengthen agricultural production and women’s economic empowerment

Ambassador of Japan to Timor-Leste, Tetsuya Kimura (right), and the Program Manager for the HAFORSA project, Yoko Ito (left), signed the agreement for the extension of the HAFORSA project's third phase at the Multipurpose Hall, at the Embassy of Japan, in Dili, Image Tatoli/Francisco Sony

DILI, 21 january 2025 (TATOLI) – The Government of Japan continues its support to rural farmers and communities of Atsabe, in Ermera municipality, in partnership with CARE through the HAFORSA project.

Today, Ambassador of Japan to Timor-Leste, Tetsuya Kimura, and the Program Manager for the HAFORSA project, Yoko Ito, signed the agreement for the extension of the HAFORSA project’s third phase, with the project value of US$346,309.

From 2016 to 2019, CARE implemented the HAFORSA I project in Atsabe, with the objective of enhancing the capacity of farmers to diversify and sustain their livelihoods in agriculture and strengthen women’s participation in livelihood activities. Following on from the completion of the first phase of the project, the second phase operated from 2020 until 13 February 2024. On 1 march 2024, CARE and the Government of Japan launched the third phase of the project, to build on the successes of the proceeding phases in improving livelihoods and addressing challenges related to gender inequality.

This year, the project will focus on improving the livelihoods of rural farmers, enhancing women’s economic empowerment, and improving the nutritional status of rural communities through the promotion of a healthy diet and cooking practices. The shift from subsistence agriculture to market-oriented agriculture will also be a key component of the project. Working closely with rural farmers, the project aims to enhance the use of innovative and modern agricultural techniques to increase their agricultural production.

Enabling horticulture production all year round

Some communities in the Atsabe region lacked agricultural water supply systems to support farmers with their agricultural activities throughout the dry season. Farmers in the area were primarily reliant on rain-fed cultivation for their livelihoods. Last year, the CARE team supported the establishment of 4 farmer groups and water supply facilities, to support farmers increase horticulture production during the dry season. Additionally, CARE supported the formation of water facility management groups and provided capacity-building training to help the groups manage and maintain the water systems beyond the project life cycle. With the means to cultivate horticultural crops all year round, farmers are linked to their local markets to boost their earnings.

Promoting women’s financial decision-making and access to capital

Women’s Economic Empowerment is central to the project. Through this project, CARE introduced the Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA), which stimulates the creation of self-managed savings groups within rural communities in Atsabe. The groups are often led by women and enable them to regularly meet to save their money in a safe space, access small loans, and obtain emergency insurance.

To complement this initiative, CARE provides training on savings, loans, and financial literacy to support women manage their finances and reach the goal of setting up small-scale businesses.

The promotion of gender equality and diversity is embedded in VSLA activities. Through such Intervention, the project witnessed an increase in women’s agency and a shift in social norms that were limiting their economic rights, including their control over household income.

In total, the 4 VSLA groups that were formed last year saved US$21,875, which is equivalent to US$204 saved per group member on average.

This project is supported by funds from the Government of Japan, as well as INPEX, the Azbil Yamatake General Foundation, CARE Friends and CARE Supporter clubs, and other donors.



Journalist: Camilio de Sousa
Editor: Filomeno Martins 


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