

ZEEDOA plants 4,000 bamboo plants in preparation for setting up bamboo factory in RAEOA

ZEEDOA plants 4,000 bamboo plants in preparation for setting up bamboo factory in RAEOA

Image Tatoli/Abílio Elo Nini

OÉ-CUSSE, 09 january 2025 (TATOLI) – Special Economic Zone Development Team of Oé-Cusse Ambeno (ZEEDOA-Tetun acronym) planted more than 4,000 bamboo plants in preparation for setting up a bamboo factory in the Special Administrative Region of Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).

ZEEDOA coordinator, João Mendes Gonçalves, said that Timor-Leste is considered to be rich in bamboo, including RAEOA.

“We have to increase bamboo production because we need to guarantee the sustainability of bamboo raw materials if we want to set up a bamboo factory in the region,” Gonçalves told TATOLI, in Oe-Cusse, on wednesday.

He therefore said that RAEOA needs to create a bamboo nursery to increase bamboo production in the region as ZEEDOA has planned to make RAEOA the center for the production of school furniture.

“In addition to the production of furniture, bamboo plants also help conserve water and prevent soil erosion,” he added.

The Director of Research, Training, and Community Service at the Bamboo Institute of Timor-Leste, Saturnino dos Santos, thanked ZEEDOA for taking serious steps to increase bamboo production in Oe-Cusse.

The bamboo plants were supported by the Timor-Leste Bamboo Institute with the aim of increasing bamboo production in Timor-Leste.



Journalist: Abílio Elo Nini
Editor: Maria Auxiliadora
Translation: Jose Belarmino de Sa


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