

ISTL contributes US$2.1 million to Timor-Leste’s economy

ISTL contributes US$2.1 million to Timor-Leste’s economy

Director General for Migration Service in Timor-Leste, Adelaide da Rosa/Image Special

DILI, 22 january 2025 (TATOLI) – The Immigration Service of Timor-Leste (ISTL) contributed US$2.1 million to Timor-Leste’s economy, in 2024, according to the Director General for Migration Service in Timor-Leste, Adelaide da Rosa.

The US$2.1 million was collected from the visa application fees and visa overstay penalties.

It should be remembered that in 2023, ISTL also collected US$2 million in revenue for the State Treasury.

The visa application fee in Timor-Leste is $30 for a tourist visa. The fee is non-refundable.

According to the Article 116 of the Migration and Asylum Law 2003 provides the following fines per person for those who have overstayed their visa in Timor-Leste: a) US$ 70 to US$ 150, if the overstay period does not exceed 30 days; b) US$ 150 to US$ 270, if the overstay period exceeds 30 days, but is less than 90 days; and c) US$ 270 to US$ 500, if the overstay period exceeds 90 days.

Meanwhile, the visa extension applications must be submitted directly to the Immigration Service in Dili, Timor-Leste. Extensions cost US$35 for up to 30 days, or US$75 for between 30 and 60 days.


Journalist: Camilio de Sousa
Editor: Filomeno Martins


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