DILI, 30 january 2025 (TATOLI) – The Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and Timor-Leste’s Interlocutor in the discussions on the Greater Sunrise Project, Agio Pereira, held a farewell meeting by videoconference, on wednesday, January 29, 2025, with Australia’s Special Representative for the Greater Sunrise Project, Steve Bracks.
The farewell meeting marked the end of Brack’s mandate as Australia’s Special Representative for the Greater Sunrise project.
The meeting was an opportunity to reflect on the progress made during Steve Bracks’ mandate, recognize his contributions, and discuss future prospects for the development of the Greater Sunrise project.
During the meeting, Minister Agio Pereira highlighted the important role played by Steve Bracks throughout the process, namely in promoting the concept of an Infrastructure Fund for the development of the project, capitalized from part of Australia’s share of future revenues from the Greater Sunrise project.
He also recognized Bracks’ efforts to strengthen cooperation between the two countries, which had contributed to greater confidence and optimism about the future of the project.
Minister Pereira expressed his gratitude for Steve Bracks’ dedication over the last few years, emphasizing the importance of continued cooperation between the two countries to ensure the sustainable and mutually beneficial progress of the Greater Sunrise project.
The meeting also allowed for an exchange of ideas on the project’s next steps, including Timor-Leste’s perspectives, strategies to address the results of the report by British company Wood, and the definition of new points of contact to ensure effective liaison between the governments of Timor-Leste and Australia.
The study carried out by Wood between April and November 2024 confirms that the option of developing the project in Timor-Leste is viable and offers significant economic and social benefits for the country.
The Government of Timor-Leste reaffirms its commitment to the development of Greater Sunrise as a strategic priority for promoting economic growth and the well-being of the Timorese people, maintaining close collaboration with its international partners.
The Greater Sunrise joint venture comprises Timor GAP, which has a 56.6 per cent stake, Woodside, which has 33.44 per cent, and Osaka Gas Australia, which has 10 per cent.