DILI, 04 June 2021 (TATOLI) – The Minister of Finance, Riu Agusto Gomes, and interim Australia Ambassador, Philippa Venning represent the Australian government singing an agreement letter of donation of $15.5 million to support Timor-Leste.
Australia acting ambassador, Phillippa Venning said the Australian government on a longstanding commitment to supporting Timor Leste with the donation of $15,5 million for the program of Community Resilient and Economy Recovery in this country.
“Australia is an honorable providing donation to help Timor-Leste to assist in community resilient and economic recovery and even reduce malnutrition and poverty in Timor Leste.” Said Ms. Venning at the signing ceremony at Aitarak Laran Dili.
Minister of Finance, Rui Agusto Gomes said the financial contribution provided by Australia will be allocated to the National Development Program for the suku level through the National Village Development Program (PNDS) with a total fund of 10,5 million.
“The funding is used for the basic infrastructure recovery for roads, walls, drainage, clean water, irrigation and health posts in more than 200 villages,”
the remaining $5 million Mr. Gomes said, it will allocate for Bolsa da Mãe Program for the New generation (BdM JF). The pregnancy of women and livelihood as the pilot program to be implemented in three municipalities, Ainaro, Bobonaro, and Oe-Cusse RAEOA.
This financial contribution will be directly delivered to the community in three municipalities to supporting the basic infrastructure project which will provide the creation of job opportunities. It is also to bring benefit for the household income.
“It will benefit more than 40.00 beneficiaries,” Minister of Finance Rui Gomes Said in his speech at the signing ceremony in Minister of Finance, Aitarak Laran, this Friday.
He therefore on behalf of the Government of Timor-Leste, extended his deepest appreciation to the Government of Australia for the support, saying that Australia is a close partner and neighbor with Timor-Leste.
The signing ceremony was attended by The Minister of Finance, Rui Agusto Gomes, interim Australia Ambassador, Phillippa Venning, The Vice Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion (MSSI), Signi Verdial, Minter of Administration, Miguel de Carvalho, and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MNEC), Adaljiza Albertina Xavier Reis Magno.
Journalist: Jose Belarmino De Sa
Editor: Nelia Borges